News & Rambling

News & Rambling


Don’t forget– the first Thursday of every month is the CASHANK at Freddy’s Bar in Park Slope. Our next CASHANK is coming up on December 6.

The Village Voice, Best of NYC, Best Hootenanny Series: “an acoustic classic country jam” where everyone is invited to play country songs from before 1970, preferably written by Hank Williams or Johnny Cash. Songs must contain four chords or less, so eager locals, filling the room with their banjos, fiddles, washboards, and tambourines, can follow along.” -Lori Cole, The Village Voice, Best of NYC.

New York Magazine: Critic’s Pick “Highfalutin country-music fans will rejoice at this monthly jamboree where Johnny Cash and Hank Williams are the stars of the playlist. A stringent four-chord rule holds sway so joining the session can be as simple as singing/playing from your seat, or if you’re a more seasoned instrumentalist, jumping onstage behind host Alex Battle. It all adds up to a convivial blur of expert fiddlers, plucky pluckers, and amateur crooners reprising “Ring of Fire” or “On the Road Again.” Should you feel compelled to request something other than Cash or Hank, please stick to old standbys like “You Are My Sunshine” lest you be run outta town.” — Lindsey Weber, New York Magazine, Critic’s Pick

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Copyright 2014 Alex Battles.